
Showing posts from 2017

Thanksgiving Guide — Turkeys and Plant-based Roasts

The Thanksgiving Guide, including both animal welfare information for turkeys and plant-based roast options, is available at the co-op and online. You can find the Thanksgiving at the Coop Guide here online . It is also listed on the AWC Guides tab on this blog, where you can find all of the guides the Animal Welfare Committee creates.

The Animal Welfare Committee Seeks New Members - Application Deadline is December 1, 2017

THE APPLICATION PERIOD HAS CLOSED. THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST! Join our  small  research- and education-based committee  to  help  provide   anim al-related reference materials, articles , workshops,  and product suggestions as they relate to  Coop  products  (meat, eggs, dairy, and products tested on animals) .  Can you… Use  your research, writing ,  editing, design,  presentation,  publicit y,  or  marketing  skills  to  serv e  our mission of  providing our entire membership with transparent information on animal-welfare issues? Interview farmers  and  vendors about how  they treat their  animals?   Attend monthly committee meetings  ( Monday,  C week,  7:00 p.m. to 8:30   p.m. )  at the  C oop ,  logging agreed-upon committee work so that you work an average of 2.75 hours/month?  ( Applicants must...