9/24 Squad Update
Hello everyone! We recently had our second meeting as a full squad. Here are our updates: Animal Testing Issues: The squad completed inventory of household products (aisle 5) The squad completed partial inventory of personal care products (aisle 4) We need to update online spreadsheet with new data and research products/companies that are still incomplete Since there are many products that are labeled "vegan", we'll be including a new column on our PSFC Product List - it will let you know whether all or some of a brand's products are vegan, since so many people are asking for this type of information (at this time we won't be reading ingredients lists for products that do NOT specify to discern whether they are vegan) We need to reach out to buyers of household and personal care items to see if there's an easier way to get inventory into our records and discuss products Please check out our PSFC Product List to check whether the products you buy ...