Updated Dairy Milk Guide! And what's coming next!
We have an updated Dairy Milk Guide up on our blog and in the folders outside the milk case (near the butter)! You can find this guide and all current guides here on the blog at the AWC Guides tab located at the top of the blog. (Current guides: Eggs: Animal Testing on Products; Dairy Milk) What's up our sleeve? We'll be finalizing a Chicken Guide soon! Keep an eye on Twitter and the blog! The seasonal Turkey/Seasonal Veggie Thanksgiving Options guide will also be happening this year - keep an eye out on Twitter and the blog! We will offer another Eating Vegan Workshop in 2015 but we're waiting until the large Meeting Room is available for booking again (it's currently slated for construction) so stay tuned for the 2015 date! Jesse, on behalf of the Animal Welfare Committee